Fabric accessories

Hello and welcome back!

Recently, I began sewing clothes for my daughter and son. I don’t know why I had waited so long to take up this rewarding hobby. It is very satisfying in change a couple of meters of fabric into something functional and 3 dimensional. I then thought, why not try cutting fabric with my Silhouette CAMEO. It cuts like a charm and I can now create lovely embellishments and accessories for many of my sewing projects.

Here are two examples of fabric accessories made with the Silhouette.

IMG_3320 - Version 2Fabric flower hair band

IMG_3322 - Version 2

Different coloured fabric flower hair band.

dress join
A dress I sewed for my daughter, embellished with a flower accessory.

NOTE: When using the Silhouette to cut fabric, fabric interfacing MUST be applied. I used Heat n’ Bond for the projects listed above. Silhouette America sells fabric interfacing, both sewable and clean cut. I have yet to use it, but based on all the other Silhouette products I have used, the quality is top notch so I would expect nothing less of the Silhouette brand fabric interfacing. To apply fabric interfacing, follow the directions that come with the product.



  • Fabric
  • Headband
  • Fabric Interfacing
  • Glue gun
  • Silhouette CAMEO (or PORTRAIT), spatula, cutting board
  • 3D Flower Design #57543

In the Silhouette Studio software, open 3D Flower #57543 and adjust the dimensions of the shape to 3″ x 3″.  Next, ungroup the flower shape so that the center piece of the flower can be moved off of the cutting board. Ensure that the small cutlines remain connected to the flower.

With just the large flower on the cutting board, proceed to click the Cut Settings icon. Select Fabric under Material Type. Choose between thin or thick fabric. In my case, I chose Thin Fabric like Cotton Prints. Adjust the blade setting as indicated and be sure to conduct a test cut to ensure that the blade will cut through the fabric. I had to adjust my blade settings.

This screen shot shows the steps listed above:

Screen Shot 2014-05-03 at 9.01.20 PM

Once the main flower is cut, repeat these steps for the center piece of the flower. Adjust the blade if you are using a different weighted material.

As an aside, I recommend sticking to smooth textured fabrics. I used a slightly bumpy fabric for the center piece of my flower and it was a bit of a disaster. It did not stick to the cutting board well, and the blade did not cut through the extra texture.

Next, I glued the two pieces of the flower together with a glue gun. Because the flower is symmetrical, be sure to aline the flower pedals when gluing. I then added a small dollar store gem to the center of the flower.

I am very pleased with the results of this headband and most importantly, my daughters loves it! She wears the green headband a lot.

IMG_3320 - Version 2




  • Fabric
  • Fabric Interfacing
  • Silhouette CAMEO (or PORTRAIT), spatula, cutting board
  • Flower Card Design #25363
  • Glue gun
  • Button
  • Safety Pin

In the Silhouette Studio software, open Flower Card Design #25363. Delete the card and borders, leaving just the 3 parts of the flower. Adjust the dimension of the largest flower to 2.896″ x 2.896″, the medium sized flower to 2.218″ x 2.231 and the smallest to 1.479″ x 1.488″. Before cutting, ensure that fabric interfacing has been applied to the wrong side of the fabric, a 4″ x 6″ rectangle just big enough for this project.

Click the Cut Settings icon and select Fabric under Material Type. I chose Thin Fabric like Cotton Prints based on my fabric choice. Adjust the blade setting as indicated and be sure to conduct a test cut to ensure that the blade will cut through the fabric.

This screen shot shows the steps listed above:

Screen Shot 2014-05-03 at 9.33.24 PM


Next, I ironed the 3 pieces of the flower together. The stickiness of the interfacing provided an excellent bond. If you want a more dramatic 3D look, consider gluing the flower together with fabric glue or a glue gun. Be sure to accurately line up the pedals of the flower before bonding. I then added a white button to the center of the flower, attaching it with a glue gun. I safety pinned the flower onto the belt so it can be removed for washing.

close up belt flower

The weather has not been nice enough for a sundress, but it certainly hasn’t stopped my daughter from wearing this one! She puts on leggings and a shirt to keep warm. This to me says that the dress and its accessory are a hit. She just can’t wait for the nice weather!

Take care everyone,


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