About Martha

Just simply posting my thoughts on-2Hello and welcome to my Blog! My name is Martha Clyde and I created this site as a means to share my Silhouette crafting ideas. My blog started in March 2014, when Silhouette America Blog put out a call for a design team. Since I LOVE crafting with my Silhouette CAMEO and because I was looking for a new challenge, I thought I would submit an application. To my great delight, I was selected among a group of 14 very talented and creative women. I feel so honoured and excited to begin this new endeavour! It’s going to be a great time.

Here at Silhouette Crafting with Martha, you will find posts on home decor, kids crafts, sewing, apparel/accessories, and parties. Some of my posts will be featured on the Silhouette Blog and others will be unique to this blog.

I am a stay at home Mom of two children, my 5 year old daughter and my 2 1/2 year old son. I also work part time as a musician and casually as a Family Literacy Facilitator and childminder.

Take a look around and come back often!


4 thoughts on “About Martha

  1. Hi Martha, Love all of your ideas and hope you could help me with my question. I am new to my Cameo and I am making some of the Silhouette Zoo Animals for table decorations for my grandson’s first birthday party. I will be mounting them on chopsticks and then sticking them in a potted plant. So the front will look cute but the back will just be plain paper in the shape of the animal. I would like to cut out a photo of my grandson on photo paper in the shape of the animal and then put that over the plain paper back. I may also need to manipulate the photo by enlarging and cropping so that his face would be sure to fit inside the outline. Would you happen to know the best way to do that? Is photo paper something that the Cameo can cut?

    Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from you!

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